What You Should Do if You Find Fleas on Your Pet?
Fleas on your pet can be quite frustrating, and it seems that when pets get fleas, they don’t ever really want to go away. You will want to make sure that you check them for fleas often, because it can really make them miserable. You can do a lot of things to try to prevent fleas, such as washing your pets bedding with hot water, but sometimes they will make their way to your pet and you need to get rid of them. If you have noticed that your pet has been scratching or biting a lot, or has black granules in their fur, then they may have a flea problem. Here are a few steps that you will want to take.

Give Them a Flea Bath
First and foremost, you will want to start by giving them a bath. Bathe them in a wash that is specifically formulated for fleas. Some of these washes are full of chemicals, but there are chemical free options for pets that have sensitive skin. You just have to look for them, and you may even want to talk to your veterinarian about it. They can point you in the right direction.

Use a Flea Comb to Remove Any Remaining Fleas
Bathing them will get off some of the fleas, but it is unlikely to get rid of all of them. You can use a flea comb, or any other fine tooth comb to help get off the remaining fleas. Once you get them off, be careful because they will jump right back on to your pet if you aren't. You should drown them in a bowl of water, because this is the best way to ensure that they are gone for good. This can be a long and tedious process, depending on the number of fleas that your pet has.

Look for Long Term Flea Treatment Options
Once you get rid of most of the fleas, you will want to look into long term flea treatment options. There are a variety of options that you will want to consider, and some of them may be more costly than others. The UK’s bestselling Flea Treatment is called Frontline Spot on and can be bought online from any genuine Pet medication pharmacy such as VetDispense, you can get prescription tablets such as Comfortis Flea Tablets that can be given to your pet every thirty days to help prevent fleas and other parasites. You can also get immunizations and topical treatments that will work well. Some of these are only available from your veterinarian, but there are some that you can get over the counter.

Treat Your Home to Prevent Re-infestation
Now that all of the fleas are gone from your pet, and you have them protected for the long term, it is time to focus on treating your home. If you have indoor pets and they have fleas, chances are you have fleas living in your home. They hide in furniture, carpets, bedding and other dark areas. They are hard to spot sometimes. If you put on a pair of white socks and go into a carpeted room, you can sometimes see the fleas jump onto the socks, because they are attracted to white. Even if you don’t see any, it may be a good idea to treat the home to be on the safe side. A long lasting household flea spray is available from www.vetdispense.co.uk, A UK-based online Pet Pharmacy.

You can use carpet sprinkle treatment, foggers, and other products to help get rid of the fleas. The key is to make sure that you treat, and then re-treat again in two weeks. If you don’t do this, then you could have a problem again down the road. It is difficult to completely eradicate fleas in just one treatment.
Source:- http://bit.ly/1FrnGUl
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